Our Commitment to You:

I am passionate about everything I undertake. I will treat your child as I would my own – firmly, with sincere love, and concern. I have, for more than 30 years, provided a truly unparalleled degree of mastery-level tutelage for hundreds of kids and their parents – always with phenomenal results.

My background is extensive and diverse:

  • As a recognized public and private educator.
  • As one who “home-schooled” 12 of my own children – all of whom acquired under-graduate or graduate college degrees, and competed in college athletics.
  • As an accomplished international business executive.
  • As a multi-sport, multi-age, youth coach.

This rich, diverse background has endowed me with unique experience, insight, and capability to help kids in surpassing ways:

  • I employ skillful, learning techniques (many of which are original).
  • I impart strong fundamentals, high levels of retention, and “mastery-level” learning.
  • I inspire extraordinary levels of motivation, initiative, self-discipline, and achievement.
  • I instill hope, confidence, and self-esteem in my students (who have averaged 3-5 grade levels of advancement during my tutelage).
  • Thus, I am able to provide a comforting remedy, and welcome peace of mind, for the frustration and desperation often felt by so many of my anguished parents.

I have been honored, and humbled, by the recognition accorded me over the years – by those who have labeled the results that I have been able to achieve with my students, as "dramatic" or even "miraculous"! For example, my unique strategies in reading and literacy, inspired a validating two-year University Study. This Study resulted in community recognition and acclaim, and led to my being awarded the prestigious “Scott Lecture Series Instructional Innovation Award for Teaching and Learning". This award further precipitated a request from the local school district, that I develop and implement this innovative literacy model District-wide.

I also developed, for the same school district, a ground-breaking Gifted & Talented, accelerated-math model for exceptional 3rd graders – to prepare them to attend 6th grade classes later that same year.